[ tactile sensation ]
If we could change the way we hug, the world would be a happier place.
People have always hugged to express love, celebrate, comfort one another, and nourish the soul.
“Hugtics” is a project that aims to create more happiness in the world by revolutionizing the concept of hugging through technology—to make it an experience that transcends time and distance.
Users can experience what it’s like to give themselves a hug by putting on a wearable device interwoven with artificial muscles and hugging a torso fitted with pressure sensors. The device visualizes the wearer’s brainwaves with different- colored LEDs, helping them to feel the mental health benefits of hugging.
DENTSU INC. / Nobuhiro Takahashi / amana inc.
Dentsu ScienceJam Inc. / PYRAMID FILM QUADRA INC.

[ taste sensation ]
Phantom Snack is a completely new guilt-free snacking experience.Through image recognition, Phantom Snack detects the different movements of your jaw, which then triggers bone-conduction headphones to play crunching noises in time to your chewing. Complemented by videos and scents from aroma diffusers, the result is an all-round, innovative experience that lets you chew and snack without actually having to consume any food or calories. If anything, the more you chew, the more calories you’ll burn. Chewing has many important health benefits. It stimulates the brain, reduces stress, and is said to even aid weight loss. Chewing is especially important for the elderly as it’s said to help prevent dementia and improve its symptoms.Making healthy fun. With four flavors to try, there’s bound to be a Phantom Snack to your taste.
DENTSU INC. / Dentsu Digital Inc. / Dentsu Creative X Inc. /
invisi / EDP graphic works / Institute for Mastication and Brain Science

[ olfactory sensation ]
Transcentdance. (Transcend + Scent + Dance)
Visualized scents that transcend time and space.
Scents are transient, and the messages they carry can only be conveyed to those within reach.
“Transcentdance” is a form of entertainment that converts scents into dances and recreates them in AR, allowing people to interact with scents as a temporal and spatial art form.
Dentsu Creative X Inc. / REVORN Co., Ltd